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Publications, Patents, and Grants: Al Post
apkaimono at gmail dot com

Featured Publications

A Dual State Variable Model of the Van der Pol Oscillator, A. Post and W. Stuiver, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, v. 41 #5, June 2006, p. 665-671. Abstract

Modeling Nonlinear Oscillators: A New Approach, A. Post and W. Stuiver, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, v. 39 #6, August 2004, p.897-908. Abstract 

A Dual State Variable Formulation for Ordinary Differential Equations, doctoral dissertation, A. Post, University of Hawaii, UMI, Inc.1996. Abstract

Environmental Exposure to Bacteria and Viruses May Provide Oncolytic Protection against Cancers, and Declining Exposure to Infections May Contribute to a Rising Incidence of Cancer, A. Post, Medical Hypotheses (2007) 68, 558-561. Link

An FFT Spectrum Analysis Laboratory for Undergraduate Vibration or Instrumentation Courses, A. Post, Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec.

 An Ice-Based 3D Printing Process, A. Post, "Research Disclosure" Feb 2014  p196-198, article #598050. Defensive publication by HP, edited by attorney. Paper

Other Publications

Modeling Nonlinear Oscillators: A New Approach – An Extended Abstract,  Post, A. and Stuiver, W. Published by invitation in "Topics in Analytical Dynamics and Applied Mechanics", J.T. Fong and T.R. Robe, Editors, SMAC, c/o Division of Mechanics and Computation, Stanford University, March 2004.

On Dual State Variable Formulations and the Classical Pendulum Problem,  W. Stuiver 
and A. Post, Pragna (a publication of the Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka),
Vol. 16, No. 1-2, Jan.-June 2003.

Biodiesel Algal Bioreactors as Educational Projects: Engineering Factors and a Case Study of Estimation, Al Post, Chiang Hu, and Milton Sommerfeld, ASEE Annual Conference 2007.

Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Novel UAV: A Capstone Project, John Rajadas, Al Post, Bradley Rogers, and Richard Cuprak, ASEE Annual Conference 2007.

Two Novel Student-Designed Solar Thermal Pumps and a Proposed Steam-Driven Design that Operates Below 100C, A. Post, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2006.  

The Dual State Variable Formulation as an Alternative to Perturbation Methods for the Analysis of Non-linear Oscillators, A. Post, W. Stuiver. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) Chicago 2006

A Dual State Variable Model of the Van der Pol Oscillator, A. Post, W. Stuiver. ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, 2003.

A Design-for-Manufacturability Workbook, A. Post and T. Narayan, ASEE Annual Conference 2006.

Workable Problems for Design for Manufacturability and DFX Education, A. Post and T. Narayan, Proceedings of the SME/CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering Education, June 22-25, 2005.

A New Method for Modeling Nonlinear Oscillators, A. Post, W. Stuiver. Presented at the 13th Annual ASME Conference on Applied Mechanics, Gainesville, June 22, 1998.


Electro-Rheologically Micro-Organized Composites and Membranes, AzTE Innovation Fund Grant, Project Director Alvin Post

Electro-Rheological Manufacture of Composites, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Research Initiation Grant, Primary Investigator Alvin Post

Curriculum Integration for Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Society of Manufacturing Engineers Grant 4004, Key Contributor Alvin Post, (Responsibilities: Prepare a Design for Manufacturability Workbook, project budgeting, and progress reporting.)

Development of a Robust, Low-Cost Interface for Embedded Optical Fibers, US Army SBIR Grant 1996. Alvin Post conceived and wrote this successful proposal in its entirety and is listed as key personnel, however the grant is in the name of  Dr. Ron Knapp of Knapp Engineering, now Structural Solutions Inc.

Intellectual Property Activity - PCT References

PCT Number (Patent Cooperation Treaty)
Most Recent

Fusing Three-Dimensional (3D) Object Layers
6.2.2020 (HP)

Additive Manufacturing
WO2018186872, EP3554796, CN110325347, CN110382209, WO2018186872, WO2018186893
6.2.2020 (HP)

Lighting Assembly for Additive Manufacturing
8.8.2019 (HP)

Retractable Optical Barrier
8.8.2019 (HP)

Cooling for a Lamp Assembly
25.10.2018 (HP)

Media Guides with Protrusions
4.7.2017 (HP)

Printer Mechanism with Shape Control Mechanism
US20140210923 31.7.2014 (HP)

Printer Media Feed Path
3.4.2014 (HP)

Flexure Control to Mitigate Media Curl
31.10.2013 (HP)

Print Media Bottom Portion Printing
2.5.2013 (HP)

Rib Profile for Reduced Contact Pressure in a Printing Device
10.1.2013 (HP)

Electrostatic Blower Systems
24.6.2013 (HP)

Electrorheological Design and Manufacturing Method for Proton Membranes and Bipolar Plates
WO2006057704, US20050255360
1.6.2006 (ASU, Intel)

Self-Torquing Fasteners
US20040067122, US6688828
10.2.2004 (ASU)

Shape Memory Surgical Polypectomy Tool
US20020165555, CA2380689
7.11.2002 (McGill)

Image Production Device Vacuum Cleaner
CA1295654, DE000003888407
6.10.1994 (IBM)